Basement Wall Repair & Replacement in Akron, OH
If your basement walls are showing signs of stress or, worse, beginning to fail, you have options when you come to Garrett Basement Waterproofing. Our goal is to stabilize your wall if possible, or rebuild only where necessary. We then identify the cause of the damage to the wall and correct it, so your wall will remain stable.
Steel beams and anchors
Walls with minimal damage or slight bowing can usually be repaired or stabilized using steel beams or anchors. Generally, walls should be no more than 3 to 4 inches out of plumb for bracing or anchoring to be effective.In these cases, it may be possible to push the wall back into place or at least stabilize it so it does not bow further.
Steel I beams are placed vertically against the wall, secured to the footer by breaking out a section of floor and pouring new concrete, and secured at the top by bolting to the joists. By placing these beams about four feet apart, a bowing wall can be completely stabilized.
Wall anchors usually are comprised of an earth anchor outside the wall, a steel plate inside and a steel rod the connects the two. The rod runs through a small hole drilled through the wall and, once attached, the anchor can be tightened to pull the wall back into place. The hole is sealed once the process is complete.
Both of these options are minimally invasive compared to rebuilding your basement wall, and are highly effective when the cause of the damage, such as moisture seepage, also is addressed.
Are your basement walls bowing or beginning to fail?
Contact Garrett Basement Waterproofing today!
Rebuilding basement walls
Walls that are severely damaged, with numerous horizontal cracks and bowing of more than 4 inches, typically must be rebuilt. This can be a lengthy and expensive process that involves removing landscaping, excavation around your foundation and use of temporary supports while damaged walls are removed.
At Garrett, we rebuild damaged basement walls only when necessary, and then, only the sections that require it. We will combine replacement with bracing where it is possible to stabilize your walls with least disruption to your home.
Our professionals use careful removal and excavation procedures, with a full explanation of settling and grading of soil after completion, so you can be certain that your new basement wall is fully protected from future damage.
Call us today for a free estimate and expert advice on the best way to stabilize and protect your foundation and basement walls.